Epa Fassianos Composer
Επαμεινώνδας Π. Φασιανός - Συνθέτης Ηλεκτροακουστικής Μουσικής
List of Works Available Online

01. MULTIVERSE III (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
02. MULTIVERSE IV (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
03. MULTIVERSE V (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
04. MULTIVERSE I (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
05. MULTIVERSE II (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
06. Salvation I (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
07. Salvation (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
08. Wormhole (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
09. Internal Cosmos (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
10. Extraterrestrial II – Antiphonum (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
11. Extraterrestrial (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
12. Voyager 2 (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
13. Dans Le Piano I (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
14. Intergalactic (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
15. Dans Le Piano II (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
16. Voyager 1 - Version B (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
17. Voyager 1 (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
18. Voyager 2 - Version B (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
19. VOICES III (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
20. VOICES IV (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
21. Vía Láctea - Version B (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
22. VOICES II (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
23. The Last Time I Saw You - Version B (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
24. Nostalgic - Version B (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
25. ISS - Version B (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
26. GN - Z11 - Version B (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
27. Forgotten Past - Version B (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
28. A Rainy Afternoon (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
29. The Last Time I Saw You (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
30. Distant Voices (VOICES I) (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
31. GN - Z11 (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
32. Forgotten Past (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
33. Nostalgic (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
34. ISS – International Space Station (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
35. Vía Láctea (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
36. FUGUE A (Computer Music – Church Organ Sounds, Stereo)
37. La Reine Solitaire (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
38. Salutis (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
39. Planetary Tales (Electroacoustic & Ambient, Stereo)
40. In The Disco (Dance Music, Stereo)
41. Land of the Sirens (Electroacoustic, Stereo)
42. Metamorphosis (Electroacoustic, Stereo)
43. Odysseus (Electroacoustic, Stereo)
44. Time Travel (Electroacoustic, Stereo)
45. Chromatocosmos – Version A (Electroacoustic, Stereo)
46. Peripeteia (Electroacoustic, Stereo)
47. ElectroSantouri (Electroacoustic, Stereo)
48. Water Dreamcity (Electroacoustic, Stereo)
49. Bell Universe (Electroacoustic, Stereo)
50. Harbour Nostalgia (Electroacoustic, Stereo)
51. Icarus (Electroacoustic, Stereo)
52. Chromatocosmos – Version B (Electroacoustic, Stereo)
53. Minuscule Worms In Love (Audiovisual)
54. Antithesis (Audiovisual)
55. Tree Elegies (Audiovisual)
Poems by: Patrick Bond and Kim Lasky
56. Duetto for Flutes (Audiovisual)
57. Et Symphoniæ Naturae (Full Version)
(Electroacoustic, Stereo)
58. Et Symphoniæ Naturae (TAMA Version)
(Electroacoustic, Stereo)
59. Et Symphoniæ Naturae (10-minute version)
(Electroacoustic, Stereo)
60. The Symphony of Nature (7-minute version)
(Ambient Electroacoustic, Stereo)
61. Land Of The Sirens (15m version)
(Electroacoustic, Stereo)